Jaguar XJ6 4.2 '72

This car lives in Sweden. The below images are from 1981 when I had restored it the first time. I bought it as the first car after I got my first real job as a telecoms hardware design engineer in Stockholm back in 1980 when I was 22 years old. I used it daily in the summer season for about eight years but invested too little in keeping it up to shape. The engine overheated due to radiator hose leaks and developed a water leak into a cylinder. I installed another (as it turned out rouge engine) and finally I lost interest with filling the roads with blue smoke and took it off the road in 1989 or so. I have paid much more in garage rents over the years than the value of the car but it had been a cool and classy companion. I've kept it for nostalgic reasons and hope one day to gather the funds needed to keep it back where it belongs, on the road. Time is my enemy as it becomes more and more expensive to restore one as parts gets harder to source. The basic chassis/body work is done, remains engine and interior work and finally some chrome and the Regency Red paint job...

My intention still is to some day return the car to at least the condition it had in the below 1981 pictures. This will happen if I some day can accumulate enough money to finance this worthwhile restoration. At least my distinctions in vehicle restorations have improved a lot since the last time I worked on it. /gunnar in August 2004

1st phase of ownership (1980-1989)

1981 images, Click on image for high resolution view

Happy owner in 1981

Photo from 1982

2nd phase- restoration #2 , began 1990..

    Body restoration - picture from1990 when I started the 2nd restoration.
    Here inner sills/floor has been repaired. Fitted new inner/outer rear wheelarchs.
    Note the tilting jig used, is very convenient for working on sides and underbody, car
    is bolted by the hubs to the jig. It can just about fit the size of this car but no
    problem with the weight. Engine was still in the car here
    This tilting jig is called 'AutoVip', made in Denmark.
    Latest news 2001-05-01 !! The Autovip is available from the U.K

    Tilted unrestored XJ, transmission leaks and S2 exhaust

    The car as it looks now. Grey primer on front wings, black new outer sills/
    wheel archs, inner wheel archs, rear underbody panel + all other rusted
    body parts replaced. Picture from 1996. Remaining work includes (but not
    limited to) engine overhaul, new leather, new roof lining, boot trim, paint,
    the list goes on.

      Money leaks - other vehicles, family and house consumes most
      of the money needed for restoring the XJ.
      Car on right is a 1966 Opel Rekord B, competing for its owner's attention.

In safe storage- some fine day ready for the road again

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Gunnar Forsgren, Värmdö Sweden