This shows the shape of the inlet ports when I had removed the cylinder block.
Some previous owner has apparently not been satisfied with the 67hp and has
done some mods to the inlet diameter. I can't tell if the actual inlet port has been
modified but at least attempts have been made to increase the volume of the inlets.
The distance from the top of the bore to the top edge of the inlet port is 78mm
The distance from the top of the bore to the bottom edge of the inlet port is 101mm.
I'm interested in knowing if that is stock.
Exhaust port top edge is 42mm from the top of the bore and bottom edge of exhaust port
is 65.5mm from the top.
Please email me in case you know about these figures.
Although the grinded surfaces of the inlets look like butcher work at least it doesn't seem to have
affected performance in a negative way, the bike has shown impressive performance.
I took it apart only to improve on mechanical tolerances/refinement.
See photos.