Contributions are welcome in the form of images from brochures or photos of original cars. You are welcome to email these to us but MAKE SURE the images are in a decent size.We download email using a 56k modem connection...I recommend you send images in JPG format saved in around 70-80 % quality, this should give mo more than 100 Kbyte image size in any case. In case you really have a great large high res image (like this one) and want use to publish it, email us in advance. Please do not send pictures of customized/redesigned vehicles. These pages are about original Opel cars from the 50's up to the mid 70's mostly. I have no interest in a Kadett GSi no matter how hot it looks.
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Opel Classic Automobiles, by MEDIAL Web Services
Copyright(C)1995-1997 MEDIAL Maskin & Data, Ängsvik 2, S-139 50 Värmdö, Sweden
+46 8 57025056
Last update 1998-02-15